Title: | Multi-Level Model Assessment Kit |
Description: | Multilevel models (mixed effects models) are the statistical tool of choice for analyzing multilevel data (Searle et al, 2009). These models account for the correlated nature of observations within higher level units by adding group-level error terms that augment the singular residual error of a standard OLS regression. Multilevel and mixed effects models often require specialized data pre-processing and further post-estimation derivations and graphics to gain insight into model results. The package presented here, 'mlmtools', is a suite of pre- and post-estimation tools for multilevel models in 'R'. Package implements post-estimation tools designed to work with models estimated using 'lme4''s (Bates et al., 2014) lmer() function, which fits linear mixed effects regression models. Searle, S. R., Casella, G., & McCulloch, C. E. (2009, ISBN:978-0470009598). Bates, D., Mächler, M., Bolker, B., & Walker, S. (2014) <doi:10.18637/jss.v067.i01>. |
Authors: | Laura Jamison [aut, cre], Jessica Mazen [aut], Erik Ruzek [aut], Gus Sjobeck [ctb] |
Maintainer: | Laura Jamison <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 3) |
Version: | 1.1.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-13 03:46:43 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/lkjamison/mlmtools |
Plots the between-group associations between an outcome and predictor variable.
betweenPlot( x, y, grouping, dataset, xlab = x, ylab = y, between_title = "Between-Group Association Plot", point_color = "gray40", line_color = "black", se = FALSE, full_range = FALSE, lty = 1, linewidth = 2 )
betweenPlot( x, y, grouping, dataset, xlab = x, ylab = y, between_title = "Between-Group Association Plot", point_color = "gray40", line_color = "black", se = FALSE, full_range = FALSE, lty = 1, linewidth = 2 )
x |
Predictor variable. |
y |
Outcome variable. |
grouping |
Grouping variable. |
dataset |
A dataset containing the predictor, outcome, and grouping variables. |
xlab |
Character vector specifying the horizontal axis label. |
ylab |
Character vector specifying the vertical axis label. |
between_title |
Character vector specifying the title for the between group plot. |
point_color |
Color for points. |
line_color |
Color for lines. |
se |
A logical value indicating whether confidence intervals should be displayed. |
full_range |
A logical value indicating whether the fit line should span the full range of the plot or just the data. |
lty |
Line type. |
linewidth |
Width of fit line. |
Produces a plot of the between-group associations between an outcome and predictor variable.
Chow, S., Gilmore, R. O., Hallquist, M., Ram, N., & Brinberg, M. (2019). Introduction to multilevel model and interactions. GitHub. https://github.com/psu-psychology/r-bootcamp-2019/blob/master/talks/RBootcamp_MLMInteractions_2019_0820_Final2.Rmd
# Read in data data(instruction) # Produce between plot betweenPlot(x = "mathkind", y = "mathgain", grouping = "classid", dataset = instruction, xlab = "Kindergarten Math Score", ylab = "Gain in Math Score")
# Read in data data(instruction) # Produce between plot betweenPlot(x = "mathkind", y = "mathgain", grouping = "classid", dataset = instruction, xlab = "Kindergarten Math Score", ylab = "Gain in Math Score")
Plots empirical Bayes both point prediction and prediction intervals for each random effect parameter across all groups.
caterpillarPlot( model, grouping, title = print(grouping), tall = TRUE, grey = FALSE )
caterpillarPlot( model, grouping, title = print(grouping), tall = TRUE, grey = FALSE )
model |
A given lmer model. |
grouping |
The name of the grouping variable of interest, as a character string. |
title |
The title of the plot. |
tall |
Logical argument specifying whether the plot should be plotted vertically or horizontally. |
grey |
Logical argument specifying whether the intervals should be plotted in color or greyscale. |
Produces a caterpillar plot.
Rabe-Hesketh S, Skrondal A (2012). Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling Using Stata, Volumes I and II, Third Edition. 3 edition edition. Stata Press. ISBN 978-1-59718-108-2.
# Read in data data(instruction) # Create model mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ (1 | classid), data = instruction) # Produce caterpillar plot caterpillarPlot(mod, title = "title", grouping = "classid", grey = TRUE)
# Read in data data(instruction) # Create model mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ (1 | classid), data = instruction) # Produce caterpillar plot caterpillarPlot(mod, title = "title", grouping = "classid", grey = TRUE)
Centers variables using the group-mean (person-mean) centering approach for mixed-effects models, and adds these variables to the data frame.
center( dataset, x, grouping, type = "mean", standardize = FALSE, centerResult = FALSE )
center( dataset, x, grouping, type = "mean", standardize = FALSE, centerResult = FALSE )
dataset |
A dataset containing the variables to be centered and the grouping variable |
x |
The variable or variables to be centered |
grouping |
The variable or variables that define the grouping structure of the data |
type |
a function to compute the grouping summary variable |
standardize |
a logical value indicating whether x should be standardized before the computaion proceeds |
centerResult |
a logical value indicating whether resulting grouping summary variable values should be centered at 0 |
Creates two new variables in the data frame - a mean of the desired variable computed for each unique value in the grouping variable and a deviation score for each observation within the grouping variable that is that observation's raw score subtracted from the group mean.
Enders, C. & Tofighi, D. (2007). Centering predictor variables in cross-sectional multilevel models: A new look at an old problem. Psychological Methods, 12(2), 121–138
data(instruction) #Center student level socioeconomic status, "ses", around class mean "ses" ### To repress output: use invisible() center(dataset = instruction, x = "ses", grouping = "classid") #Center class-level variable teacher's mathematic prepartion, # mathprep, around school mean "mathprep" center(dataset = instruction, x = "mathprep", grouping = "schoolid")
data(instruction) #Center student level socioeconomic status, "ses", around class mean "ses" ### To repress output: use invisible() center(dataset = instruction, x = "ses", grouping = "classid") #Center class-level variable teacher's mathematic prepartion, # mathprep, around school mean "mathprep" center(dataset = instruction, x = "mathprep", grouping = "schoolid")
Computes ICC values for lme4-fitted mixed-effects models.
ICCm(model, re_type = c("NA"))
ICCm(model, re_type = c("NA"))
model |
A linear mixed-effects model of class lmerMod, lmerModLmerTest, or glmerMod of type binomial |
re_type |
A value indicating whether a model with two random effects is nested or cross-classified |
If re_type
is "NA", the proportion of variance at the random effect is computed.
If re_type = "nested", the likeness of y scores in the same level 3 unit (the proportion of variance at Level3_factor), the likeness of y scores in the same level 2 units in the same level 3 unit (proportion of variance at Level3_factor and Level2_factor), and the likeness of level 2 units in the same level 3 unit (proportion of Level2_factor variance at Level3_factor) are computed.
If re_type = "cc", the likeness of y scores in the same C1_factor unit (correlation between outcome values of units in same C1_factor but different C2_factor), the likeness of y scores in the same C2_factor (correlation between outcome values of units in the same C2_factor but different C2_factor), and the likeness of y scores in the same C1_factor and C2_factor combination (correlation between outcome values of units in the same C2_factor and C2_factor) are computed.
Snijders, T. A. B. & Bosker, R. J. (2012). Multilevel Analysis (2nd Ed.). Sage Publications Ltd. Goldstein, H., Browne, W., & Rasbash, J. (2002). Partitioning variation in multilevel models. Understanding statistics: statistical issues in psychology, education, and the social sciences, 1(4), 223-231.
# Gaussian ## Read in data data(instruction) ## Create model mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ (1 | classid), data = instruction) ## Estimate ICC ICCm(mod) # Logistic ## Read in data data(reporting) ## Create model mod <- lme4::glmer(mention.outliers ~ Basics + (1 | Journal), data = reporting, family = "binomial") ## Estimate ICC ICCm(mod)
# Gaussian ## Read in data data(instruction) ## Create model mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ (1 | classid), data = instruction) ## Estimate ICC ICCm(mod) # Logistic ## Read in data data(reporting) ## Create model mod <- lme4::glmer(mention.outliers ~ Basics + (1 | Journal), data = reporting, family = "binomial") ## Estimate ICC ICCm(mod)
Data from a study on instructional improvement across 312 classrooms.
A data frame with 1190 observations on the following 8 variables.
Dummy variable for being female
Math achievement score in the spring of kindergarten
Gain in math achievement score from spring of kindergarten to spring of first grade
Socioeconomic status
First grade teacher's mathematic preparation (based on number of courses taken)
Classroom identifier
School identifier
Student identifier
Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia, and Brian Everitt. Handbook of statistical analyses using Stata. CRC Press, 2003.
Hill, H. C., Rowan, B., & Ball, D. L. (2005). Effects of teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching on student achievement. American educational research journal, 42(2), 371-406.
Uses AIC and BIC to compare whether the model that accounts for the correlation of responses within the same unit fits the data better than a model that assumes 0 correlation between responses within the same unit.
model |
A linear mixed-effects model of class lmerMod or lmerModLmerTest |
Computes the AIC and BIC of the requested model and a model with the same predictors but absent the random intercept(s) and slope(s).
Burnham, K. P., & Anderson, D. R. (2004). Multimodel inference: understanding AIC and BIC in model selection. Sociological methods & research, 33(2), 261-304. Raftery, A. E. (1995). Bayesian model selection in social research. Sociological methodology, 111-163.
data(instruction) mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ (1 | classid), data = instruction) levelCompare(mod)
data(instruction) mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ (1 | classid), data = instruction) levelCompare(mod)
Plots the line of best for the relationship between two variables accounting for nesting and not accounting for nesting.
levelComparePlot( model, x, y, grouping, dataset, paneled = TRUE, select = c("select"), center = FALSE, xlab = x, ylab = y, glab = grouping, plot_titles = c("Scatter Plot", "Scatter Plot by Group") )
levelComparePlot( model, x, y, grouping, dataset, paneled = TRUE, select = c("select"), center = FALSE, xlab = x, ylab = y, glab = grouping, plot_titles = c("Scatter Plot", "Scatter Plot by Group") )
model |
A linear mixed-effects model of class lmerMod or lmerModLmerTest. |
x |
Predictor variable. |
y |
Outcome variable. |
grouping |
Grouping variable. |
dataset |
A dataset containing the predictor, outcome, and grouping variables. |
paneled |
A logical value indicating whether the plot accounting for nesting should be split into panels. |
select |
A vector indicating the index of the groups to be included in the plots. |
center |
A logical value indicating whether the x variable should be centered |
xlab |
Character vector specifying the horizontal axis label. |
ylab |
Character vector specifying the vertical axis label. |
glab |
Character vector specifying the legend title for the plot accounting for nesting. |
plot_titles |
Character vectors specifying the titles for the plots. |
# Gaussian ## Read in data data(instruction) ## Create model mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ mathkind + (1 | classid), data = instruction) ## Generate plots levelComparePlot(mod, x = "mathkind", y = "mathgain", grouping = "classid", dataset = instruction) # Logistic ## Read in data data(reporting) reporting$final.sample.size <- scale(as.numeric(reporting$final.sample.size)) reporting$mention.outliers <- ifelse(reporting$mention.outliers=="No",0,1) mod <- lme4::glmer(mention.outliers ~ final.sample.size + (1 | Journal), data = reporting, family = "binomial") levelComparePlot(mod, x = "final.sample.size", y = "mention.outliers", grouping = "Journal", dataset = reporting, paneled = FALSE)
# Gaussian ## Read in data data(instruction) ## Create model mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ mathkind + (1 | classid), data = instruction) ## Generate plots levelComparePlot(mod, x = "mathkind", y = "mathgain", grouping = "classid", dataset = instruction) # Logistic ## Read in data data(reporting) reporting$final.sample.size <- scale(as.numeric(reporting$final.sample.size)) reporting$mention.outliers <- ifelse(reporting$mention.outliers=="No",0,1) mod <- lme4::glmer(mention.outliers ~ final.sample.size + (1 | Journal), data = reporting, family = "binomial") levelComparePlot(mod, x = "final.sample.size", y = "mention.outliers", grouping = "Journal", dataset = reporting, paneled = FALSE)
Reports the results from testing all assumptions of a multilevel model and provides suggestions if an assumption is not passed
mlm_assumptions(model, re_type = c("NA"))
mlm_assumptions(model, re_type = c("NA"))
model |
A linear mixed-effects model of class lmerMod, lmerModLmerTest, or glmerMod of type binomial. |
re_type |
A value indicating whether a model with two random effects is nested or cross-classified |
If re_type
is "NA", the proportion of variance at the random effect is computed.
If re_type = "nested", the likeness of y scores in the same level 3 unit (the proportion of variance at Level3_factor), the likeness of y scores in the same level 2 units in the same level 3 unit (proportion of variance at Level3_factor and Level2_factor), and the likeness of level 2 units in the same level 3 unit (proportion of Level2_factor variance at Level3_factor) are computed.
If re_type = "cc", the likeness of y scores in the same C1_factor unit (correlation between outcome values of units in same C1_factor but different C2_factor), the likeness of y scores in the same C2_factor (correlation between outcome values of units in the same C2_factor but different C2_factor), and the likeness of y scores in the same C1_factor and C2_factor combination (correlation between outcome values of units in the same C2_factor and C2_factor) are computed.
Tests the relevant assumptions of the specified multilevel model.
Glaser, R. E. (2006). Levene’s Robust Test of Homogeneity of Variances. Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. 6.
# Gaussian ## Read in data data(instruction) ## Create model mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ mathkind + (1 | classid), data = instruction) ## Evaluate assumptions mlm_assumptions(mod) # Logistic ## Read in data data(reporting) ## Create model mod <- lme4::glmer(mention.outliers ~ Basics + (1 | Journal), data = reporting, family = "binomial") ## Evaluate assumptions mlm_assumptions(mod)
# Gaussian ## Read in data data(instruction) ## Create model mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ mathkind + (1 | classid), data = instruction) ## Evaluate assumptions mlm_assumptions(mod) # Logistic ## Read in data data(reporting) ## Create model mod <- lme4::glmer(mention.outliers ~ Basics + (1 | Journal), data = reporting, family = "binomial") ## Evaluate assumptions mlm_assumptions(mod)
Prints for mlmtools
## S3 method for class 'center' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ICCm' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'rsqmlm' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'varCompare' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'levelCompare' print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'center' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'ICCm' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'rsqmlm' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'varCompare' print(x, ...) ## S3 method for class 'levelCompare' print(x, ...)
x |
Object from |
... |
Additional arguments |
Prints mlmtools
Data from a study on the reporting rates of outliers with data on 2235 experiments.
A data frame with 2235 observations on the following 18 variables.
Bibtex reference code for the article
Year of publication
Year article was pulled for these data
Type of psychological journal
Journal of publication
Title of article
Original sample size from the article
Whether or not the article mentioned outliers
Final sample size from the article
Number of outliers identified by the article
Whether or not they ran basic statistics (e.g., descriptive statistics, z scores, t tests, and correlations)
Whether or not they ran ANOVA
Whether or not they ran a regression
Whether or not they ran a chi-squared test
Whether or not they ran a nonparametric test
Whether or not they used structural equation modeling
Whether or not they used Bayes or another form of analysis
Valentine, K. D., Buchanan, E. M., Cunningham, A., Hopke, T., Wikowsky, A., & Wilson, H. (2021). Have psychologists increased reporting of outliers in response to the reproducibility crisis?. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 15(5), e12591.
Calculates variance explained by lme4-fitted mixed-effects models.
rsqmlm(model, by_cluster = FALSE)
rsqmlm(model, by_cluster = FALSE)
model |
A linear mixed-effects model of class lmerMod or lmerModLmerTest |
by_cluster |
Logical, if TRUE returns variance explained at each level |
Computes the percent variance explained by the model.
Nakagawa, S., Johnson, P. C., & Schielzeth, H. (2017). The coefficient of determination R 2 and intra-class correlation coefficient from generalized linear mixed-effects models revisited and expanded. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14(134), 20170213.
# Gaussian ## Read in data data(instruction) ## Center mathkind by classid center(dataset = instruction, x = "mathkind", grouping = "classid") ## Create model mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ classid_mathkind.cmn + classid_mathkind.devcmn + (1 | classid), data = instruction) ## Calculate r-squared ### To repress output: use invisible() rsq <- rsqmlm(mod) rsq rsq$marginal rsq$conditional # Logistic ## Read in data data(reporting) ## Create model mod <- lme4::glmer(mention.outliers ~ Basics + (1 | Journal), data = reporting, family = "binomial") ## Calculate r-squared ### To repress output: use invisible() rsq <- rsqmlm(mod) rsq rsq$marginal rsq$conditional
# Gaussian ## Read in data data(instruction) ## Center mathkind by classid center(dataset = instruction, x = "mathkind", grouping = "classid") ## Create model mod <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ classid_mathkind.cmn + classid_mathkind.devcmn + (1 | classid), data = instruction) ## Calculate r-squared ### To repress output: use invisible() rsq <- rsqmlm(mod) rsq rsq$marginal rsq$conditional # Logistic ## Read in data data(reporting) ## Create model mod <- lme4::glmer(mention.outliers ~ Basics + (1 | Journal), data = reporting, family = "binomial") ## Calculate r-squared ### To repress output: use invisible() rsq <- rsqmlm(mod) rsq rsq$marginal rsq$conditional
Compares variance explained by additional fixed effects for two lme4-fitted mixed-effects models.
varCompare(model1, model2)
varCompare(model1, model2)
model1 |
A linear mixed-effects model of class lmerMod or lmerModLmerTest |
model2 |
A linear mixed-effects model of class lmerMod or lmerModLmerTest |
Specifically, 1-(total variance for less parsimonious model/total variance for more parsimonious model).
Computes the percent increase in variance explained by the less parsimonious (more complicated) model compared to the more parsimonious (less complicated) model.
Snijders, T. A. B. & Bosker, R. J. (2012). Multilevel Analysis (2nd Ed.). Sage Publications Ltd.
# Read in data data(instruction) # Create null model mod0 <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ (1 | classid), data = instruction) # Create model of interest mod1 <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ mathkind + (1 | classid), data = instruction) # Compare variance explained ### To repress output: use invisible() varCompare(mod0, mod1)
# Read in data data(instruction) # Create null model mod0 <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ (1 | classid), data = instruction) # Create model of interest mod1 <- lme4::lmer(mathgain ~ mathkind + (1 | classid), data = instruction) # Compare variance explained ### To repress output: use invisible() varCompare(mod0, mod1)
Plots the within-group associations between an outcome and predictor variable.
withinPlot( x, y, grouping, dataset, xlab = x, ylab = y, within_title = "Within-Group Association Plot", point_color = "gray40", line_color = "black", se = FALSE, full_range = FALSE, lty = 1, linewidth = 2 )
withinPlot( x, y, grouping, dataset, xlab = x, ylab = y, within_title = "Within-Group Association Plot", point_color = "gray40", line_color = "black", se = FALSE, full_range = FALSE, lty = 1, linewidth = 2 )
x |
Predictor variable. |
y |
Outcome variable. |
grouping |
Grouping variable (individual may be grouping variable). |
dataset |
A dataset containing the predictor, outcome, and grouping variables. |
xlab |
Character vector specifying the horizontal axis label. |
ylab |
Character vector specifying the vertical axis label. |
within_title |
Character vector specifying the title for the within group plot. |
point_color |
Color for points. |
line_color |
Color for lines. |
se |
A logical value indicating whether confidence intervals should be displayed. |
full_range |
A logical value indicating whether the fit line should span the full range of the plot or just the data. |
lty |
Line type. |
linewidth |
Width of fit line. |
Produces a plot of the within-group associations between an outcome and predictor variable.
Chow, S., Gilmore, R. O., Hallquist, M., Ram, N., & Brinberg, M. (2019). Introduction to multilevel model and interactions. GitHub. https://github.com/psu-psychology/r-bootcamp-2019/blob/master/talks/RBootcamp_MLMInteractions_2019_0820_Final2.Rmd
# Read in data data(instruction) # Create within plot mathkind_withinPlot <- withinPlot(x = "mathkind", y = "mathgain", grouping = "classid", dataset = instruction, xlab = "Kindergarten Math Score", ylab = "Gain in Math Score")
# Read in data data(instruction) # Create within plot mathkind_withinPlot <- withinPlot(x = "mathkind", y = "mathgain", grouping = "classid", dataset = instruction, xlab = "Kindergarten Math Score", ylab = "Gain in Math Score")